Jeremy Abbott - Rhythm of Love (KCC Switzen All That Sakte Spring 2011 2nd day)
2011.07.20 by figurephoto
Jeremy Abbott - Hometown Glory (KCC Switzen All That Skate Spring 2011 2nd day)
2011.06.12 by figurephoto
KCC스위첸 올댓스케이트 스프링 2011 2회 공연 오프닝
2011.06.12 by figurephoto
Jeremy Abbott - Rhythm of Love (KCC Switzen All That Skate Spring 2011)
2011.05.21 by figurephoto
Jeremy Abbott - Hometown Glory (KCC Switzen All That Skate Spring 2011)
2011.05.20 by figurephoto
KCC스위첸 올댓스케이트 스프링 2011 1회 공연 오프닝
2011.05.20 by figurephoto
All That Skate Summer 2010 1부 요약본
2010.07.24 by figurephoto
Jeremy ABBOTT - Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final Gala Show
2009.02.01 by figurephoto